Multi Faceted Search with PG_Search, Pagy and Rails 6
In the process of creating a scoped search module for a freelance project, I ran into an issue with implementing PG_Search with Pagy. Basically, the concept was to build a Route Search function, where a user could search from location to location, with specific filters.
Scopes in the my Stop Model
acts_as_list scope: :load
# associations
belongs_to :load
pg_search_scope :route_search, against: [:city, :state, :zip]
scope :first_in_position, -> { where(position: 1) }
Then in the controller:
#Store the from and to search queries
from_search = Stop.route_search(params[:from_query]).first_in_position.pluck(:load_id)
to_search = Stop.route_search(params[:to_query]).select{ |record| record if record.last?}.pluck(:load_id)
Active Record Relations
It's always a good reminder to know the difference between an Array and Active Record Relation. I spent some time trying
Passing pg_search results into PAGY